We are Carbon Re
We are an AI for materials company on a mission to reduce carbon emissions by gigatonnes every year.
Our focus is on the biggest opportunities and the biggest challenges, sectors such as cement, steel and glass production.
Our boundless ambition is clear: Carbon Re will become the leading global computing and AI infrastructure to achieve the ultimate goal of accelerating the materials transition and reducing global emissions at the gigatonne scale.
Our Team

With humanity facing the existential crisis of climate change, I found myself looking around for the people who can and will take action. Then I realised those people could be us! With the incredible team that we are building at Carbon Re, I am finally confident solutions can be built and applied at scale to support climate adaptation and mitigation.
Buffy Price

We are building Carbon Re to be the place that gives artificial intelligence researchers the opportunity to use their skills in ways that really benefit the planet, that improves society overall, find really meaningful work all while transforming an industry that isn’t the most typical place that you might find artificial intelligence being deployed.
Aidan O’Sullivan

I co-founded Carbon Re for one very simple reason. And that is to have impact on carbon dioxide emissions at the gigatonne scale. That is a challenging goal. But that’s been the driving passion for me for well over a decade now, and will continue to be so long into the future
Daniel Summerbell
Join the Carbon Revolution with Carbon Re
Carbon Re is an artificial intelligence and climate tech company developing the world’s first AI-powered platform for decarbonising energy-intensive industries; our technology has the potential to remove gigatonnes of CO2 from global carbon emissions each year.