Increase alternative fuel use without compromising performance

Alternative fuels are the cement industry’s primary solution to reduce cost and carbon emissions, but they present a host of challenges that complicate the cement production process. Carbon Re supports plants in maximising alternative fuel use reliably regardless of the fuel mix.

Maximise alternative fuel rate autonomously

Achieving alternative fuel rate targets is challenging when balancing fuel cost, production capacity and process constraints to prevent blockages.


Carbon Re’s AI models take a variety of critical inputs into account while assessing your plants’ unique constraints, in real-time. We drive your plant towards peak performance and reach the maximum alternative fuel rate, at the same time.

Optimal performance – no matter the fuel mix


Burning alternative fuels means that producers have to deal with varied composition, moisture content and calorific value. Carbon Re adapts process targets in real-time to balance the fuels and ensure optimal performance, no matter the mix.


We help plants to use any fuel mix available on the market without compromising performance.

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Blockage detection

Avoid unplanned shutdowns


Using high-resolution data from pressure, temperature sensors, and gas analysers, Carbon Re can detect anomalies that precede a ring formation or blockage up to twelve hours before they happen.


With this early warning system in place, plants can confidently run at their maximum alternative fuel rate at all times without the risk of blockages.

Working with Industry Leaders

Start saving 5% of your fuel bill and carbon emissions today.

With no shutdown, no extra hardware or local IT systems needed to deploy Carbon Re, contact us today to start getting the benefits, now.