Having worked in engineering companies all my life and recently joined an Industrial AI company focused on the cement industry, I’ve noticed a common trend across sectors. Everyone is talking about AI, but not many people actually know what it is and how to explain it!


From what I can see, this is made worse in cement plants where Advanced Process Control (APC) systems have been in operations for years. This has led to many people asking me what the difference is between APC and AI, and how they fit together.


With the help of some sports metaphors, I hope to give my perspective on this in this blog.


Let’s say a cement plant without AI or an APC is like a football team that has just formed. The team plays together but lacks consistency and cannot reach its full potential.


The Power of a Playbook (APC)


A playbook is a well-crafted set of strategies and set plays that the team has practised and refined over time. The playbook guides the team on what to do in various situations during a game, ensuring consistency and minimising errors.


An APC is like this playbook – it contains a set of rules that control the process, ensuring stability. The beauty of APC lies in its reliability and efficiency. Just as a playbook helps a sports team execute plays with precision, an APC is a proven system that ensures a stable cement plant performs within its predefined parameters.


So why do we need AI?


To continue the analogy. Let’s say that the playbook was crafted at the start of the season and has not been updated. As time goes by, things change –  the opposition, the condition of the field, the team itself. As the playbook has not changed, it becomes less and less relevant over time. If only the team had an analyst to review the day-to-day conditions and adjust the playbook to suit.


The Analyst in the Game (AI)


In the cement industry, this analyst is represented by AI. An APC provides a solid, reliable foundation, but unless it is reprogrammed, it is unable to adapt to changes in a plant. AI provides the ability to adapt to new data, to learn from it, and make decisions that extend beyond the fixed rules of the playbook. AI can process enormous amounts of real-time data, recognise patterns, predict outcomes, suggest changes that enhance the plant’s operations, and automatically re-program its models to match live plant conditions.


AI and APC: A Powerful Partnership


The real magic happens when AI and APC work together. APC provides the stability, consistency, and efficiency needed to maintain smooth operations, as well as putting in limits to control and protect the plant. AI adds a dynamic layer of intelligence that can adjust and optimise these operations in response to changing conditions. This partnership creates a system that is not only robust but also highly adaptable and forward-thinking.


For instance, consider the challenge of optimising for alternative fuels. A plant might need to switch between different fuel types depending on availability and cost. APC can manage this switch efficiently within known parameters, but AI can take it further. AI can analyse data on how the fuel is performing in real time, even if the fuel type or mix is new to the plant, and adjust the combustion process accordingly. This leads to more efficient fuel use, lower emissions, and reduced operational costs.




As a newcomer to the cement industry, it’s fascinating to see how technologies like APC and AI can work in tandem to push the boundaries of what’s possible. APC offers a stable, reliable foundation, while AI adds the flexibility and intelligence needed to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Together, they create a powerful system that can optimise efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain high-quality output, even in the face of unpredictable conditions.


Just like in sport, where having a solid playbook is essential, the real edge comes from being able to adapt and respond to the ever-changing dynamics of the game. In our industry, APC provides the dependable playbook that keeps our operations running smoothly, while AI steps in as the sharp analyst, constantly refining our strategy in real time to ensure we’re always at the top of our game. By combining these strengths, we’re not just playing to win; we’re setting ourselves up for long-term success in an ever-evolving industry.