Despite the traditional slow-down over the summer, the last three months have been anything but sluggish. Our focus this last quarter has been on further developing the Carbon Re platform. The engineering and product teams have collaborated on a number of product upgrades to improve the user experience and accuracy of our AI models, while the sales and marketing teams have been gearing up for conference season with a refresh of our marketing materials produced.
As we move into the final quarter of the year we are reminded that COP28 is around the corner. As this year marks the halfway point to the Paris Agreement it is a monumental year for us to take stock of our climate action thus far. It’s clear that we need to do more and quickly and this knowledge only further drives our team to work harder to achieve our mission of reducing industrial emissions by gigatonnes each year.
I’m pleased to share with you some key updates from the past quarter below. Thanks for reading and please do get in touch if you would like to talk.
From Buffy
Interim CEO & Co-founder
Company Milestones
ALCCC inducts Carbon Re as a member
We were delighted to be inducted as members of the Alliance for Low-Carbon Cement & Concrete. The alliance is made up of progressive and innovative industry groups who share the ambition to decarbonise the cement and concrete sectors quickly and recognise that the solutions needed to reduce emissions are available today. We fully support its aims to achieve fast and meaningful action in cement and concrete.
Features in The Wall Street Journal and The Economist
Our co-founder and CTO, Aidan O’Sullivan was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal in a piece exploring decarbonisation technologies available to the cement industry as well as by The Economist for their new report: Climate tech: bridging the gap between innovation and impact.
Awarded £135,000 for AI for Industrial Decarbonisation Grant
Carbon Re was awarded the largest grant as part of the UK government’s AI for industrial decarbonisation program. This funding will support an upgrade to our AI-powered decarbonisation platform, to identify optimum alternative fuel mixes, making the transition to the use of alternative fuels easier for the cement industry.
Carbon Re updates
The engineering team has deployed several updates to the platform over the summer, with features designed to improve the performance of our models over time, increase customer insights into their data and upgrade our internal feedback and monitoring capabilities. We are very appreciative of the input from our customers to help us design and improve the platform and for the positive feedback we’ve already received about the upgrades.
With the multi-kiln user upgrade, group-level employees are now able to visualise the data from all their plants on the platform with a single login. Moreover, the new adherence page enables the analysis of the software recommendation usage, with a breakdown by shift so that plant managers can see how the platform is having an impact.
The biomass weighfeeder page allows our clients to assess how much fuel is going into the kiln – an incorrect amount of fuel leads to issues with production efficiency, product quality and equipment problems such as blockages. Currently, most cement plants are unable to manually identify weighfeeder calibration issues and can only react after a problem arises.
The new health check and machine learning dashboards are internal pages which allow the software and machine learning teams to maintain greater oversight of our product after it has been deployed into a client’s plant.
Finally, improvements to data monitoring and automatic retraining have been deployed, ensuring that the AI models are better maintained through major plant changes, reducing performance degradation over time.